American Constitutionalism, Volume II: Rights and Liberties

Publication Year



An innovative new casebook for the teaching of constitutional law in political science, history and law. American Constitutionalism provides generous excerpts from landmark and recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions, while placing those materials in political and legal context and providing students with the analytical tools for examining those decisions. The casebook is distinctive in providing extensive materials from sources beyond the U.S. Supreme Court that are also essential to understanding the American constitutional tradition and in situating materials within a broader historical and political environment. Volume Two focuses on the limits of government power, including the philosophical and legal foundations of rights and liberties, individual rights of property and person, democratic rights of citizenship, speech and participation, the constitutional guarantees of equal treatment, and constitutional criminal due process.

Oxford University Press
New York

Awards: Winner of the Teaching and Mentoring Award for Innovative materials in Law and Courts

Praise: "A major achievement -- a golld-standard teaching tool" -- Ken I. Kersch, Boston College

Praise: "A groundbreaking and valuable contribution to the teaching of constitutional law." -- Emily Zackin, Johns Hopkins University